I recently attended my work Christmas Party. We attended the show at Jubilations Dinner theater. It was a blast. We saw The Gerry Steinfeld show. It was absolutely hilarious. The cast was fresh and funny, and the serving cast or "out cast" was even better. Our server was Bob, from the Bob and Doug McKenzie. Doug was also there...but he was serving other tables. Throughout the night when ever we would see Bob, we would yell "Bob!" So through the night we became known as "Bob's Bunch". By the way...we were the "rowdy" table. All of the servers visited with us and wanted us in their section. We also made friends with Bob's niece, Diana...she was a Brownie...and laughed like SpongeBob. I happened to see a tall young man who resembled Aeron LeBray from high school, so as he was walking by I was giving him the "Do I know you?" look, and he stopped at our table. He was wearing a reflective vest, so I made the comment that I liked his vest, to which he replied "It's to protect me from the Elk." Totally strait faced too. I couldn't hold it together, I started to giggle. "The Elk? I don't see any Elk."
"See, my vest is working." At this point I started to laugh harder. "That's good logic." I said between giggles. "It's not logic, it's fact!" He replied sternly. And then he said "Logic is for the Weak!" and walked away. And throughout the night he would glare at me. It was funny. After the show out waiter "Bob" came out in his street clothes and proceeded to tell us that he waited all show to tell us that his real name was Brady, so we were actually the "Brady Bunch". After the show most of the waiting staff came up and introduced their real selves to us including "Elk Boy (Carl) whose real name was Alex, Diana who's real name was Adreanna, and of course Bob, who is Brady. As tradition after the show I go and get all of the casts autographs...and in doing so met some very attractive and nice people. Needless to say...I had a great time!
On to other news...
I was recently reprimanded for having an original and interesting background on my work computer. They (being my supervisor, and other office staff) said it was "inappropriate" and I should change it to a DHL background.

This is the background I had up. The Used is a band, and I happen to like their art. But apparently it is not 'Work' worthy...I told them that if I had to stare at the DHL logo anymore I would kill myself! They didn't appreciate that...lol...I also used the argument that if some employees could use personal photos for their backgrounds...I could have an interesting one too. They didn't like that...but at least they are being even now. They are not discriminating against my "choice" of background. Hey...at least I don't have my Vin one up...I don't think they would like that one at all...*Grin*
The beurocratic bastards! One way or the other! If you have to look at someones kid or "potentially offensive" flower *giggles*with tears* You should be able to have your pictures you desire, or at least something that Windows have declaired to be "user friendly". The DHL logo is "potencially offensive" to those who have a thing against.....yellow..... and red.
Yeah...it looks like a hot dog stand exploded! *SPLAT* And I had used the "user friendly" windows ones already...BORING!!! So I now have a cute little zombie cartoon...lol...
You forgot to tell them how I freaked you out with Diana! And the whipping cream the whipping cream!!!
Ok yeah! The whipped cream! Was he a yummy dessert you ask? Yes he was...Sholean ate whipping cream off his head! Not that one you hosers...His REAL head! The one above his belt! I got the cherries! (this was Bob's head by the way...)
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