Tis the Season all right...tis the season for crazy shopping malls, busy streets, loud and obnoxous prople, and "Holiday Cheer". Tis also the season for robbery...apparently. A few days before Christmas...my uncles house was broken into and robbed. They stole the T.V., some computer stuff, his daughter's money (they were saving for a holiday), his gun...and a bunch of gifts that were under the tree, along with some other miscilanous stuff...Merry Fuckin' Christmas...huh? What ever happened to the spirit of brotherly or sisterly love? When did Christmas become such a commersialized halmark holiday? I am sorry if this blog offends anyone or crushes your Christmas spirit...that is why I waited till after the actual holiday to post this...but it has to be said...We are all in it for the gifts...We may say that we don't want anything, or are more intrested in what we give than receive...but deep down there is a satisfaction in the greed of "wanting". Christmas is a time of joy and happiness...why does it take a holiday for us to be kind to one another? I saw on the news that on Christmas Eve eve...(the night before christmas eve) Edmonton had it's 37th murder. Why do we feel we need an excuse to give gifts to the people we love? All of our holidays are turning into a huge deal...and we have to "get" something for every little occasion...most people don't even remember the real meaning behind Christmas, or Easter, or Valentines Day. I know not everyone is religious, and believes in "Christ" or "The Bible", or even "God" for that matter (I happen to be one of those non-believers)...but there is more to these Holidays than just some old religious hoowey. We need to get back to our roots...find the true meaning of Christmas...and stop needing excuses for everything we do... For example..."New Years Resolutions". We wait for the new year to promise ourselves that we are going to get healthy, exercise more, stop smoking, or whatever...we all know we are going to break our resolutions...so why do we even bother making them? If we don't have the will power anyother time of the year...why would New Years be any different?
Ok...I think I'm done ranting now...*takes a deep breath to calm herself*...Ok...I am going to be starting a new blog...explicitly for my new story...I'll let you all know when and such...In the mean time...Happy Holidays...(pretty ironic me saying that after my rant huh?) Have a "Vin"-tastic New Year!
Wednesday, December 27, 2006
Tuesday, December 12, 2006
My Trip to the Hospital!
Ok...I know you are all wondering what I was doing at the hospital...so I will give you a short version...Ok...it may be long...but whatever...I'll tell you...
Back in high school, as some of you may remember, I had a cist in my neck. Well I had it removed back then, and well...it looks as if it is back. And it was infected...so being that I had a huge lump under my chin...on my neck...I went to the hospital...even though I hate hospitals and doctors...although the doctor I had at the Hospital could change my mind about the last... Anyway...Sholean came with me...cuz I'm a chicken shit...and Hospitals are boring... So...after a semi short wait in the waiting room, they took us into the actual exam room...where we had an even longer wait...but while we were waiting we were checking out the doctors and EMT's. Which is legal...right? Well they couldn't prove it anyway...so...while we were checking out the doctors...there was one who had his back to us and all we saw was his butt...and let me tell you...that was one fine ass! So we were being girly and giggling and checking him out...then I said..."I hope he's my doctor..." and well...turns out a few seconds later he turned and walked into our room...was I ever excited. His name was Dr. Oland...and wow... He was gentle, soft spoken, had amazing eyes, a great physique, not to mention a really nice ass, and a great smile...and this may sound weird to you...but I like them...Hands...he had really nice hands... Anyway...he was super cute...and really nice...So here's a picture of him...

Anyway...back to the lump...He gave me some medication for the infection...which unfortunatly make me nausous...but atleast it looks like I only have a small adams apple, rather than a goiter... So now I have an appointment for an ultrasound of my neck...then in a few months I have an appointment with a nose and throat specialist/surgeon to decide if I need to have it removed again... The last time they removed it they just froze my neck and cut it out there...I was awake for it...sick...but whatever. This time I may have to be put under and they may be going in under my tounge...gross...
Tuesday, December 05, 2006
Coming Soon...To a Blog Near You!
The continuation of our story...Which I am aptly naming "Blood and Steel"...not sure why...just thought it fit...so...I am not going to synopsize this time...I suck at synopsizing...so...yeah...you'll just have to remember for yourself! Oh... and let me know what you think of the title...if you like it...if you don't...and suggestions...etc. Well...I am now going to continue with the story...We ended with Maya being captured, she is now tied to a chair in an empty room, laughing hystarically...
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