Friday, July 13, 2007

God Damn Cellular Fuckin' Phones!!!! I stole the quote from "John McLean" (Bruce Willis) in Die Hard with a Vengance...but right now it is appropriate! My cell phone is such a piece of crap!!! I can no longer text. cuz it freezes up half way through...I think I have to take it in for repairs...
I wonder when my contract is up and I can turn it in for a new and better phone. I would love to get the new apple phone...but they are only available in the US right now...kinda sucks! Well, anyway...I realize that it has been like, forever since I last blogged anything...and there isn't really an excuse...just too bored or too busy facebooking...that and I lead absolutly NO life what so I never have anything to say...

As for my story blog...I kinda hit a creative wall all around...I need to just take a day and just write...write whatever tattered thoughts run through my brain...write until my hand is cramped...write until my pen is out of ink...which isn't likely to be soon as I have a whole drawer full of usable pens... I have no creative energy at all lately...I can't even force myself to colour in my colouring books... Blarg! It is soooo frusterating... I have so many things I want/need to do...but my brain is like..."nope...not today...I have to obsess over stupid shit that doesn't matter and make you all depressed instead" Goddess I hate my brain somedays...

Well...I finally booked a nice room at a quiet Bed and Breakfast not far from Carries for her wedding...and I got my flights all in order...the only thing I need now is a ride from Carries to the Farrie after the wedding I am going to go into Vancouver and visit my older sister and her boyfriend. I wonder how much a cab would be??? *ponders* I have got to go shoe shopping too...but I find it really hard to buy shoes when I have yet to see the dress... *sigh* So much to do, and it feels like I have no time to do it in...


Kami Akai said...
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Carol said...


It ws so nice to see you, and for you to be here for the wedding. We didn't get to spend much time together, but I know that you were there for Carrie, even during the "melt-downs".
Hard to believe, that as of tomorrow, they will have been married for a whole week already.

Carol said...

oh, and do you have facebook. If so, you should add me as a friend, as I can tag you some photos.

Mel said...

Sweet! I do ahve face book...I'll look you up!