Thursday, September 07, 2006

Ahhh...The Memories...

I decided to try and organize my bedroom this past weekend, but little did I much freaking junk I had. Whille digging through this said "junk", I discovered an old one-line story that Carrie & I had written...oh so long ago...back in the days of carefree childhood. Actually I think it was in high school...but it was close enough to our childhoods...

But anyway...I figured I'd share it with ya'll...

Anything written in bold is mine...and "quehhhht" is pronounced as the noise a cat makes when it gak's on your carpet...

My cat "quehhht" on my carpet! And it was quite nasty, I must say, because it smelled like orange toasted pickles. I like eating orange toasted pickles. They're quite good on rancid tuna sandwiches. But, back to the cat "quehhht". I had to clean it up with nail clippers. It was really, really gross because all they ever did was trim the cat hairs in the cat "quehhht". So, against my mothers will, I cleaned it up with the closest thing (which was more efficent than nail clippers) a dirty 72 year old placemat that my grandma used when she was 4 3/7 years old. It smelled almost as bad as the cat "quehhht", but I cleaned it up, then flushed it down the toilet, but my hand was stuck to a 57 year old peice of gum, so I was sucked down the toilet with the cat "quehhht". I twirled and swirled down the toilet, foaming at the mouth and then screaming when I discovered I had contracted rabies from kissing the racoon that was eating tomato peels in my neighbours garbage can. I continued swirling and twirling down the toilet when suddenly I popped out in Wonderland and landed "SPLAT" on the Queen of Hearts. My splatted self ate the queens toes made of cheese and the queen called Elvis to report to Disnyland to recite act 2 scene 4 from Shakespears famous play, "Romeo ate Juliet". And in this play Romeo "ATE" Juliet, so Elvis came up and recited act 2 scene 4, but he could not pronounce "Hither", so the queen decapitated him. And that is where Elvis went after his singing career. The End...


Anonymous said...

And I thought that I had weird thoughts. Wait this is Mel and the "BEFORE-ENGAGED" Carrie, I'm talking about!!

Heheh... I love it!

Unknown said...


Now I'm definitely going to have to track down one of our stories so I can post it on my blog. Holy smokes, what is wrong with us. That's awesome.

Mel said...

Yup...we definatly had some issues...

Well we still have issues...just not together anymore...

Unknown said...

That's why you have to come and see me!!! How many more days? What day did you say? Anyway, I know it's less than 8 weeks! HOORAY!!!!!!!!!

joelthedramakid said...

*puts a pound of jello and macaroni in a blender and hit's frappe*

So... hi?

umm this has been a random comment.


Kami Akai said...

I shoulda known... That was funny and a wee bit strange...Like cat puke.