Tuesday, February 14, 2006

This is my life...

Well...To all the people reading this...Which is like, none...This is a preview of my life!

I am rudely awakened at 2:40 in the morning by my ever insistent and annoying alarm. Crawling out of my warm cocoon of blankets, I turn of my alarm. I shuffle step slowly yawning and rubbing my eyes to my bedroom door, pull my towel off my hook, and wander to the bathroom. As I am walking quietly down the hall...I stub my toe, or smack my shin on something my little sister happens to have left in the hall. Now I am wide awake and hopping around rubbing my shin, or holding my toes...No more being quiet. I am swearing a blue streak at this point, usually I am cursing the existence of little sisters. When I finally feel well enough to walk again...I continue my way to the bathroom. I turn on the lights and am blinded for several seconds. I hop into the scalding shower and let the hot water wash away the remainder of my sleepy-ness. I shampoo my hair and wash. By the time I am rinsing the conditioner...The water is cold...So I do the quick rince, with only my head under the freezing waters...Then I step out and wrap myself in a huge fluffy towel. I brush my teeth, then wander back to my bedroom, being careful not to hit whatever it was that I hit before...And get dressed.
I start my car and make my lunch, then I go back outside and get in my car...Drive to work...Usually spotting at least three imaginary animals that are going to run across the road in front of me...They never do...cuz they are not there...But I make it to work in one piece. Luckily.
I swipe in at 3:45...And start my work day. I log in all of the drivers scanners. Usually having to bend in some very awkward and unflattering positions to reach the ones in the back...
Then I got to my "desk" and print yesterdays scanning reports...Boring. If some of the scanners, which are a pain in the ass, have problems, I have to go find them, and re-boot them.
Then I print the reports again hoping that the problem has been fixed. Most of the time it is but most of the time it isn't. It ends up being a "Network" problem...cuz for some all reason, unbeknownst to me...All our data is transferred to Arizona or something...Before it is sent back to us!?! *Shrug*
Then between the hours of 4:30 and 8:00 am...I have free time...So I check my e-mails, and my Vin posts. And now...I will be checking my blogs too...*sigh* so much work so little time!
Then at 8:00, Caylin...The other office wench, comes in, and we go to Tim Hortons for a coffee/tea, and a bagel. Then I sit at my desk waiting for some action requests...Those are when someone's freight is like a few hours late they freak out and call the call center and they send us an action request to go out and search the warehouse. 99% of the time the package they are looking for is with the driver or on its way...But sometimes it isn't even here yet...It is still in Calgary! So I waste time wandering around "looking" for packages that are not here...
In between the action requests, I play solitaire and check my e-mails and Vin posts some more. I also work on my novel...
Then at Noon, I get to go home. I speed down the highway listening to music and dancing...Yes I dance in my car...And yes I do get funny looks from passing motorists. I arrive home and haul my junk inside. I am greeted by over enthusiastic dogs, jumping and barking...As soon as I am in the house...My dog Char...Runs off to get her teddy bear, and then we go out for a "piddle".
I have to take Chars teddy away or she won't go...So I hide it behind my back and she runs off with her sister Ash fighting and playing. After she has gone piddle, she comes running back for her toy. I hold it out and she grabs a leg...Then proceeds to drag me to the door as I yell for Ash to come home. Rosie is there, chewing on Ashes tail...She is the smallest dog...But has the biggest attitude.
We get back to the house and I open the door. Char runs to her window seat and waits while I give Ash and Rosie their cookies. I have to bring Char hers...She is such a suck. Then we cuddle on the couch and maybe "watch a movie"...By that I mean I take a nap...
I clean the kitchen, and make some lunch...Then Elliot comes home from school... And ten minutes later Mom comes home from work. I sit and talk with mom, make supper then at 6:30...It is off to bed to start another wonderful day! (on the way to my bedroom, I make sure to move the offensive thing that bit my toe out of the way...But it never stays there...)

That is a day in the life of me...Pretty boring huh?


Anonymous said...

You were really bored weren't you. Talking about your life so selfish!!!!! j/k I love you Mel!!

Unknown said...

Hmm... anyway... Is that you, Sholean????!?! I'll check your blog and see...

You start work at 3:45... AM?? Are you insane?? I wouldn't be able to do that... Goodness... Yeah, you're life sure does sound very "exciting"... *grin* Just kidding, mine's not much more interesting... sitting in front of a computer all day, and lately, doing the same repetative thing every day... but hey, it's better than McDonald's!!

Guess what?? I'm trying to write a novel, too... Not much, right now, it's in the notes/ideas/research stage... but, maybe one day, I'll finish it... Also trying to write a song, and trying my had at some photomanipulation art... Good times... Eww, my armpits are sweaty.. it's kinda toasty in the office today...

Well, that was long.. but I'll talk to you later!!


Mel said...


Yeah...3:45...nasty. During the week...I have no life what so ever...
With my novel...I have had an offer to gt it published...I just have to finish it! LOL...
Tell me about your novel...what is it about...and such!
Thnx for the armpit comment...I'll never forget it...and will treasure it always!


Unknown said...

It's kinda complicated... So far the title is "Behind the Door"... To summarize a little bit, it's about a genetic research company that adopts, or even kidnaps children, and uses them for genetic experiments and has found a way to give them animal characteristics and transplant animal body parts... I've still got a LOT of research to do, about how transplants and blood transfusions work, and about animals... Maybe one day I'll type out a synopsis of sorts... probably not, though, I'm lazy...

And yes, I thought you would want to know about ALL my bodily functions...